Many people associate Le Croissant with France or Paris, and rightfully so! The predecessor of our modern-day croissant, the Kipfel, was popularized in Paris in 1838 by August Zang. The Kipfel is a crescent-shaped bread originating in Austria. Parisians began to call them “Croissants” thanks to their curved shape. In the early 1900s, French bakers and pastry chefs began to create their own versions. They replaced the brioche type dough with yummy leavened puff pastry dough, and the Croissant we know today was born. A True Croissant will have only 8 ingredients! Butter, flour, water, milk, yeast, sugar, salt, and eggs. A Croissant is not a Pastry, rather a “Viennoiserie”! (or “things of Vienna”) It is a category of breakfast baked goods that are slightly sweeter than your average pastry dough. 3 out of 4 French people eat croissants regularly. Croissants are thought of as breakfast food in France, similar to how Americans think of pancakes. I love them so much, I’ll eat them anytime! Hee hee! Have a buttery and flaky Friday mes amis!!