Category: Alita

  • Musical Monday

    Musical Monday

    Busting my chops on the old horn! You can almost hear the music!

  • FFF – Le Croissant!

    FFF – Le Croissant!

    FUN FACT FRIDAY : LE CROISSANT! Many people associate Le Croissant with France or Paris, and rightfully so! The predecessor of our modern-day croissant, the Kipfel, was popularized in Paris in 1838 by August Zang. The Kipfel is a crescent-shaped bread originating in Austria. Parisians began to call them “Croissants” thanks to their curved shape.…

  • CoverDoll!


    Happy to announce my cover appearance in the July 2021 issue of CoverDoll! Every month, CoverDoll features articles and photos from some of The Doll Forum’s best contributors. I am very honored that Atomic and I were chosen several times within our first year to be involved. This month I made it to the cover!…

  • Anxieuse


    Anxious! Waiting for this month’s CoverDoll to come out… I hope it’s soon!



    Safety First mes amis! The cute is all up to you 🙂

  • Oculus Quest GO

    Oculus Quest GO

    Obliterating Objects On Our Oculus! The Beat Saber game is so much fun, I feel like a Suave Swashbuckler. Mad props to Boom Kitty’s Song, “RUM N BASS” on Beat Saber. ARRR MATIES! Here I am slicing butt! HEE HEE!

  • Spa Day!

    Spa Day!

    PA DAY!! A long deserved break from CoverDoll photoshoots and launching our website. I can’t believe Atomic is spending his day off to get me cleaned up. 4 long hours, but I feel fresh again! I am soooo spoiled.

  • Happy July 4th!

    Happy July 4th!

    HAPPY 245th BIRTHDAY USA. God Bless America! A joyous Independence Day to all! A shout out to our Founding Fathers who stood for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

  • Launch is GO

    Launch is GO

    My trusty editors approved launch of today!

  • S(t)unning


    Now that’s what I call summer!