Category: Fun Fact Friday

  • FFF – Carrots!

    FFF – Carrots!

    FUN FACT FRIDAY: CARROTS!! The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in color, though purple, red, black , white, and yellow varieties exist. Carrots were originally white or purple. Then a yellow carrot appeared through mutation and the familiar orange carrot was bred from it. European settlers introduced the carrot to colonial America in…

  • FFF- Tornadoes!

    FFF- Tornadoes!

    A tornado is a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 300 mph! Most tornadoes occur in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is an area in the central United States where tornadoes are the most common. From Texas all the way up to South Dakota, and…

  • FFF – Tigers!

    FFF – Tigers!

    FUN FACT FRIDAY: TIGERS! 🐯🐯 Tigers are the largest cat species in the world reaching up to 3.3 meters in length and weighing up to 670 pounds. Adult tigers generally live alone, but a group of tigers is called an “ambush” or “streak”. Unlike most other cats, tigers are great swimmers and actually like the…

  • FFF – Snakes!

    FFF – Snakes!

    There are over 3,000 different species of snakes. Snakes live on every continent apart from Antarctica. Unlike other reptiles such as lizards, snakes are carnivorous. They only eat meat! The fastest snake in the world is the black mamba which has been recorded at 12.5 miles per hour. They can limit their resting energy consumption…

  • FFF – Café

    FFF – Café

    FUN FACT FRIDAY: CAFÉ ☕☕ Time for a cup of Joe! The word “coffee” comes from the Arabic word for “wine”. Qahwah later became kahveh in Turkish, and then koffie in Dutch, which is where we get the English word coffee. Did you know one cup of coffee has only one calorie? It’s all the…

  • FFF – Lighthouses

    FFF – Lighthouses

    FRIDAY FUN FACTS: LIGHTHOUSES!The Pharos of Alexandria, known as the Lighthouse of Alexandria, is believed to have been the world’s first lighthouse, built sometime in the 3rd Century BC. The “Tower of Hercules”, at the opening of the La Coruña harbor in Spain is one of the oldest still standing, built in the late 1st…

  • FFF – Rubber Duckies!

    FFF – Rubber Duckies!

    FUN FACT FRIDAY: RUBBER DUCKIES! Since they got loose in my home yesterday, let’s talk about duckies. Rubber ducks made their debut in the late 1800s. Charles Goodyear invented a new process to mold rubber, and solid rubber ducks found their way into homes. The first ducks did not float and were thought of as…

  • FFF – Le Croissant!

    FFF – Le Croissant!

    FUN FACT FRIDAY : LE CROISSANT! Many people associate Le Croissant with France or Paris, and rightfully so! The predecessor of our modern-day croissant, the Kipfel, was popularized in Paris in 1838 by August Zang. The Kipfel is a crescent-shaped bread originating in Austria. Parisians began to call them “Croissants” thanks to their curved shape.…

  • FFF – Great Gorillas

    FFF – Great Gorillas

    Great Gorillas!

  • FFF – Oranges

    FFF – Oranges

    Oranges! 🍊🍊🍊 It’s time to juggle orange facts, mes amis! The word “orange” comes from the Sanskrit “naranga,” which translates to “orange tree.” This word, in turn, derives from a Darvidian root word “narandam,” which refers to the bitter orange in Tamil. Ever had OJ after you brush your teeth? EWWW! Orange juice tastes bad…