The first ice cream-like treat was first eaten in China around 200BC when a milk and rice mixture was frozen by packing it into snow. By the 1600’s it was a delicacy amongst the elite in Europe. Nancy Donaldson was awarded the first patent for a hand-cranked ice cream freezer in 1843. The waffle cone made its debut in 1904 at the World’s Fair in St. Louis Missouri. It takes about 3 gallons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream. The top ice cream-consuming country in the world is New Zealand with an average of 7.5 gallons per person each year. 50% of the volume found in ice cream is actually… AIR! Vanilla is considered the most popular flavor in the world, but in Japan, you can commonly find ice cream flavors such as octopus, cow tongue, and shrimp. Yum??? Have a sweet and creamy Friday mes amis!