FFF – Le Croissant!
FUN FACT FRIDAY : LE CROISSANT! Many people associate Le Croissant with France or Paris, and rightfully so! The predecessor of our modern-day croissant, the Kipfel, was popularized in Paris in 1838 by August Zang. The Kipfel is a crescent-shaped bread originating in Austria. Parisians began to call them “Croissants” thanks to their curved shape.…
Happy to announce my cover appearance in the July 2021 issue of CoverDoll! Every month, CoverDoll features articles and photos from some of The Doll Forum’s best contributors. I am very honored that Atomic and I were chosen several times within our first year to be involved. This month I made it to the cover!…
Oculus Quest GO
Obliterating Objects On Our Oculus! The Beat Saber game is so much fun, I feel like a Suave Swashbuckler. Mad props to Boom Kitty’s Song, “RUM N BASS” on Beat Saber. ARRR MATIES! Here I am slicing butt! HEE HEE!
Spa Day!
PA DAY!! A long deserved break from CoverDoll photoshoots and launching our website. I can’t believe Atomic is spending his day off to get me cleaned up. 4 long hours, but I feel fresh again! I am soooo spoiled.
Happy July 4th!
HAPPY 245th BIRTHDAY USA. God Bless America! A joyous Independence Day to all! A shout out to our Founding Fathers who stood for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.